Nuclemed - contact us

* If you would like to receive additional information or a price quotation for a particular item, please fill out the below form. Furthermore, all general remarks and questions regarding the services of Nuclemed and the website, can be sent to us through the below form.

** If you want to apply for registration and access to the VIP area, please fill out this form as well and check the box underneath.

- Your name *

- Your title
- Your function *
- Your institution/Your company *

- Your address (street + number) *
- Your zipcode *
- Your city *
- Your country *

- Your telephone *
- Your fax number
- Your email address *

(Fields marked with * are required)

** You have applied for access to the VIP area, please confirm by checking this box :

You have requested info/price quote for : Captus® 600 System

- Please specify quantity and item number if available

We thank you for your request.

Your question or remark -

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